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Giving page image

Our church family give generously to the Lord’s work here in Banbury (and beyond through our mission support). This regular giving enables the church to operate, provides support to our staff team, and by God’s grace allows us to grow the ministry here. To maintain our present ministry, St Paul’s Church requires over £150,000 per year. We therefore encourage our members to consider prayerfully how they can share in the grace of giving, reviewing their gifts each year.

On 17th March we held a special Gift Day - you can read more about this here and access the Gift Day Slides here.

In addition to our general funds, please be aware of two particular funds that we encourage church family members to consider giving to:-

  • The Hardship Fund
There is an active Hardship Fund at St Paul’s to serve those who are struggling in one way or another. If you would like to contribute, you can do so here.
  • The Buildings Fund

St Paul’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) have set up a new restricted fund for the repair, renovation, replacement or extension of any existing building(s), or the construction of any new building(s), to serve the parish of St. Paul's Banbury. If you would like to find out more or give specifically to The Buildings Fund, you can do so here.

  • Associate Minister Fund (link coming soon)

You can give to St Paul's in many different ways:

  • Regular giving via standing order
    • Our bank details are : Lloyds TSB Bank, Banbury, 
      Account Name: ST PAULS PCC BANBURY
      Sort Code: 30-90-42
      Account No: 00212790  
      (Alternatively you can click here to access a form or contact the church office if you would like a paper copy sent to you)
  • In person on Sundays 
  • Cheques may be sent to the church office (payable to St Paul's PCC, Banbury)
  • If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim Gift Aid on your donation - complete a Gift Aid form here or contact the church office for a paper copy.
  • Give online using the secure form below (please note this incurs a transaction charge so if possible, please give via bank transfer.)

Online Giving

If you’d like to start or amend your giving, you can use the form below, ticking the box to indicate how you want to give. You can choose a one-off payment or set up a regular monthly payment. 
Do contact our treasurer, Nelly, if you would like to know more.

Planning your Visit

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